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who we are

Our Footprints Foundation

Together, leaving our footprints, one community at a time...

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Our Footprints is a non-profit organization which is founded by Umutoni Midiburo and Kunda
Musungaila. It has been a lifelong dream of both women to start a foundation that contributes to the
welfare of the communities in Africa.

The foundation was founded in 2020 by a team that has had the privilege to gain experience in
works related to development as well as a chance to live within the continent and abroad. The
Foundation’s core objective is to contribute to the welfare of vulnerable people through sustainable
value adding projects.

With the belief that development begins with good health and knowledge empowerment of a
people, the foundation aims to provide health care, focusing mainly on children, women and youth, who are the most vulnerable in society.

The Founders believe that; “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children”.

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