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For two years we had been working on starting Our Footprints Foundation. We had dreams of building something that will contribute to the welfare of underserved communities. We are happy and proud to introduce you to this foundation and we hope that together we can make a difference in the world.

Since January 2019 we were brainstorming about how we would build Our Footprints Foundation. We knew we wanted to do something impactful in our communities, lend a hand to the most vulnerable. But how would we do this? What would be our purpose really, what was our goal, mission, vision? What kind of projects would we do, which sectors would we focus on, which people?

We spent months discussing this.

In June 2020, the winter started in Zambia and we identified a community in Kabwe with kids that could use a little help. These kids were walking around in what has been one of the strongest winters in Zambia with nothing warm on them.

We decided to help and fundraised through friends and family and bought a bale of winter jackets.

Seeing the happy faces of these kids faces and their parents, answered a lot of our questions and 3 months later Our Footprints Foundation was born...


Meet the girl behind our beautiful logo. Sam Bouman is a student at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences. She is in her final year of the study Communication & Multimedia design. Next to her studies she is a freelance visual designer, editor and content creator. A couple of months ago Sam opened her company and is working hard on getting it off the ground.


We approached Sam to help us with a logo and she agreed to help us as a pro bono service. She came with backup as well, Fin Bouman her young sister who helped her in the creative process. The two ladies were not only fast, professional and dedicated but also a lot of fun to work with.


After one meeting, a couple of messages and emails, Sam produced the logo that represents everything Our Footprints Foundation stands for. She was able to give us a logo that is striking but that conveys our vision and mission.


Sam will stay consulting with the foundation on matters relating to marketing and communication.

Thank you Sam for your contribution to Our Footprints!

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