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Our mission

At Nawa Vision Care Foundation, we believe that development begins with good health and the empowerment of individuals. Our mission is to provide comprehensive eye care services to underserved communities, ensuring that everyone has access to the essential care they need for healthier vision and an improved quality of life. We are dedicated to making eye care accessible and affordable, fostering a future where no one is held back by preventable vision problems.

Our vision

Our vision is a continent where every individual, regardless of their socio-economic status, has access to quality eye care. We strive for a future where preventable vision problems are eradicated, and healthy vision is a fundamental right. By working together with communities, partners, and stakeholders, we aim to empower individuals and enable communities to thrive and reach their full potential.

Our stories

For two years we have been working on starting Our Footprints Foundation. We have both had dreams of building something that will contribute to the welfare of...

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